Practical Tips for Caregivers & Patient Advocates
Episodes 10 and 11 contain a chock full of practical tips! I’m thrilled to be joined by Laurette Foggini, as she draws on her extensive experience on the administrative side of caregiving and patient advocacy, combined with her subsequent (and current) journey with her mom. Part 1 explores topics such as developing care plans, caregiving from a distance, transitioning to being physically present, importance of the Power of Attorney (why, and when it’s not enough), and more! Part 2 explores topics such as addressing sibling responsibilities, effects of prognosis and changes to it, travel for self-care, decisions about home care and hospice, acceptance and adapting, sons stepping into these care roles, senior fitness and more! We hope you find this conversation interesting and informative! That…
Patient Advocacy: Considerations from a Patient & Advocate
I’m thrilled to have Amos Odeleye-Ajakaye as a guest on Caregiving Insights. In this episode, I explore with Amos his journey from Nigeria to the United States, and from healthcare professional to being a patient. As a healthcare professional, Amos knew a lot about advocacy and caregiving. Once he became a patient, his knowledge went to a whole different level. This episode explores many facets of patient advocacy and there’s lots of helpful insight…whether you are an advocate, patient, caregiver, or healthcare professional. In fact, anyone can benefit from understanding more about advocacy and how to support loved ones, friends and colleagues along their healthcare journeys. We are grateful to Amos for his time and insights! We hope you find this conversation interesting and informative!…
Caregiving & Employer Support: What does it look like?
As summer approaches, we hope this message finds you and your loved ones well…or well cared for and as comfortable as possible. We understand the ebbs and flows of caregiving! After a hiatus due to family caregiving responsibilities, we’re back in the saddle with what will be a combination of blog posts (albeit sometimes more brief than past) and episodes on our YouTube channel, Caregiving Insights. Oh, and stay tuned for later this year a soft launch of our new platform that enables caregivers to uniquely connect with each other! For now… …consider the following: 10,000 baby boomers a day have turned 65 after 2010 and by 2030 all boomers will be at least that age. That’s a very large number of people who are entering…
Caregiver Trends In The U.S. Indicate Grave Concern: Figuratively Speaking
1 Day 1 Week is two months old this weekend and it will be the first time we get to experience November’s National Family Caregiver’s Month with you. This is a perfect time to review the U.S. caregiving landscape. Before doing so, I want to share with you some exciting news. As I’ve mentioned in previous email updates and weekly blog posts such as last week’s Music: Uplifting Caregivers & Patient Advocates, One Song At A Time, two new features are being developed. Well, we’re ahead of schedule with the first one! We’ve pushed to make that happen and it will appropriately launch during National Family Caregiver’s Month. This new feature is an ongoing podcast series focused on anything and everything, related to caregiving and…