Submit a Story

At 1 Day 1 Week, we don’t like living in a box – so we try to minimize putting constraints on the types of stories that caregivers and patient advocates submit for potential posting to the blog. The types of stories you may submit can come from a wide variety of topics based on your experiences. We want the world to hear about the sacrifices, love, hardships, growth, challenges, victories, heartbreak and beauty you’ve experienced as a caregiver and/or patient advocate…and as a result, in your life overall.

Feel free to mix in stories related to the people you are caring for. However, please keep their identity private by using an alias, as well as not providing specific location information or any other detailed identifiable information about them. You will see on the submission page, we will ask some questions that will help our community get a sense for who you are, where you are (in general), etc. This information will help people connect with you and relate to your experiences. Should you choose to share a story from your personal caregiving and/or patient advocacy journey, we will be thrilled.

As all websites that look out for their community of users, we have Terms of Service for your review. Above all, we ask that you use decency in what you submit. Of course, any indecent submittals will not be posted.

There’s a form to fill out below where you enter your information and story. Please note:

  • Your email will not be published and is only for 1 Day 1 Week to communicate with you.
  • If you are concerned about someone seeing that you posted or simply want to remain anonymous, you may provide an alias instead of your first name or initials. Most importantly, readers will connect with everything else you share.

Feel free to reach out to with any questions. Whether you choose to submit a story or not, Todd and the 1 Day 1 Week community sincerely thank you for your honorable work as a caregiver and/or patient advocate!

When thinking about a story to submit, topics you might consider can be something that quickly comes to mind — or taken from examples below — or a combination. Most importantly, it’s your story in your voice!

Your Life: sacrifices made, emotional challenges, effects on relationships with family / friends / significant other, employer support (or lack thereof), personal growth, effect on health, financial hardship, etc.

Your Responsibilities: companionship, transportation, medical advocacy, activities of daily living, home management, care planning, insurance challenges, prescription management, nutrition, mobility, financial management, reporting, record keeping, etc.

Your Traits: patience, compassion, kindness, humor, love, caring, attentive, trustworthy, confidence, supportive, dependable, creative, quick-thinking, decisive, flexible, enthusiastic, communication, composure, empathy, authenticity, etc.

Your Feelings: doubtful, uplifted, uncertainty, guilt, anger, fear, anxiety, resentful, grief, fatigue, exhaustion, burnout, love, ambivalence, boredom, irritable, depression, disgust, embarrassment, frustration, lonely, hope, etc.

Your Situation: primary family caregiver with support, primary family caregiver with little/no support, secondary caregiver to family/friend, patient advocate supporting family/friend, hired patient advocate, hired caregiver, etc.

Submit Your Story

Best email address to contact you. We will not publish your email.
Along with the other answers, this helps provide great perspective.
e.g. Philadelphia, Miami-Dade County, Northern California (DO NOT PROVIDE EXACT LOCATION)
e.g. USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Sweden, South Korea, etc.
If more than 1, use the click down arrow to adjust.
Choose all that apply.
e.g. 56, 79 and 81, etc.
e.g. 8 hours/day, 20 hours/week, 24/7
e.g. 8 hours/day, 20 hours/week, 24/7
Though not required, please consider. As with all answers, it helps other caregivers/patient advocates say to themselves, “I can relate!”
Type or paste your post above. Recommended length is 1,000 to 5,000 words, though we understand time constraints and will consider shorter stories. PLEASE COPY AND PASTE YOUR STORY BEFORE CLICKING “SUBMIT.” 1) AFTER CLICKING “SUBMIT”, A MESSAGE SHOULD POP ON THE SCREEN THANKING YOU, AND 2) YOU SHOULD RECEIVE AN EMAIL CONFIRMATION. IF YOU DIDN’T SEE EITHER OF THOSE, PLEASE TRY AGAIN.

Please Note: your email address is never made public. It is only used to communicate with you. The other information you provide in this form is meant to help other caregivers and patient advocates understand there are people in similar types of situations and feel validated.