Thanksgiving: Heartfelt Messages For Caregivers & The Cared For
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I’m sorry for the delay posting a new entry on 1 Day 1 Week. One reason was because I focused on launching our new podcast series, Caregiving Insights. The first episode that went up on November 8th is with Pat Samples, an awesome author and thought leader on various topics, including caregivers finding peace of mind along their journeys. I’ve also recorded an additional four episodes, with one to be posted on our Podcast page and new YouTube channel every other week through the end of the year. Another part of the delay has been life – it’s been a heavy two weeks. Not so much from the physical caregiving perspective, although that’s coming again. More so from a healthcare standpoint. We…
Beginning of the Journey
How did your caregiving/patient advocacy journey begin? It can happen in different ways. From what I came to learn, the beginning of my journey was like millions of others who take on this role – it happened fast and without warning. In my case, Spring 2017. Prior to that, I had no thoughts that caregiving/patient advocacy was going to become a part of my life – changing it in every way! Having witnessed my grandparents being cared and advocated for by my mom 20-25 years earlier, I had some idea of what the role entailed. She would take them to appointments, handle various aspects of doctor communication, interpret situations to ensure the best possible care was being planned and received, and so much more. She…
Caregiving: A Journey Like No Other
Welcome, everyone! It’s taken me years to put pen to paper – or in this case fingers to keyboard – and it feels great to get this going! So, a sincere thank you for taking the time to read this initial post on the 1 Day 1 Week blog. Whether you are a caregiver, patient advocate, someone being cared for, or someone who cares about any of the aforementioned, I hope you find this blog engaging on an ongoing basis. The name 1 Day 1 Week is born out of a mantra that we caregivers and patient advocates around the world often live by – for practical purposes and sanity-sake amidst these challenging and rewarding journeys we’ve chosen for whatever reasons and circumstances. So, where…