Time: Flies By In The Blink Of A Hospital Stay
I’m sorry it’s been quite a while since my last 1 Day 1 Week article. There are various reasons. One is that I was focusing on the Caregiving Insights podcast and have posted four episodes. With otherwise limited time, I simply couldn’t find the hours to write/edit/proof/post/promote an article. Also, the holidays and traveling/getting away from caregiving a week ago for the first time since November 2019 was a factor. Upon landing back in Florida on Monday, I received a text from my mom telling me that my dad was being taken to the ER because of chest pain. Welcome home! The Cliff’s Notes version – he had atrial flutter and then atrial fibrillation, which led to a heart ablation procedure. It appears to have worked…
The Road to Burnout City & Back: A Caregiver’s Perspectives & Practical Tips
Where to begin? Let me start by sharing that I am thankfully not burned out right now, so this post won’t be written from a place of complete exhaustion. That said, there’s no mistaking I have experienced an extreme burnout once along my caregiver/patient advocate journey since June 2018 – not to mention what I’ll call mini-burnouts. Regardless, I haven’t forgotten how I felt, though a sense of feeling for me was especially difficult to access at those times. It’s often said that burnout is right at the top of concerns for caregiver/patient advocates, but not necessarily by them. I believe the reasons for that are as endless as personalities, but there seems to be a common thread. Caregiver/patient advocates are fueled by easing…