Caregiving: from blog to podcast (and soon an app)
It’s been a bit over a year since 1 Day 1 Week launched. I set out to share personal stories of my caregiving journey with my parents, in the hope it would resonate for and help many other people. From the feedback I continue to receive about the posts, I’m proud to say that goal was accomplished.
Along the way, I realized a few things: 1) blogging takes a lot of time, if you’re doing “right” — considering the writing, re-writing, editing, posting, promotion, and so on. 2) while there are many people who still love reading blogs, there are infinitely more that would rather listen to or watch an interactive discussion about a topic — especially when it comes to caregiving. 3) taking into mind 1 and 2 above, I needed to move the blog into a podcast format to be most efficient and effective with time and message.
November 8th will be the launch anniversary of our Caregiving Insights channel on YouTube. It’s hard to believe the past year has gone by so fast! I’m grateful to my first seven guests for helping set up the channel for future success. Moving forward, the plan is for more frequent guests on topics directly related to caregiving and patient advocacy, and some human interest stories that are tangentially related to those topics.
Additionally, as I’ve mentioned in previous posts, there’s a cool caregiving app in the works. It’s been developed along with a friend and another will be helping out starting this week. Considering the three of us working on it part-time, we will be able to launch it much quicker. First, we’re planning a late October/early November “friends” test run. Depending on feedback and changes, we hope to have a beta launch for the general public ready early in 2023.
Back to 1 Day 1 Week. I’m not necessarily saying there will never be articles posted again, because who knows how my caregiving journey will evolve over time and writing may be a perfect forum to share. What I can say is thank you for staying tuned to this blog since it began. If you haven’t already, I hope you’ll check out Caregiving Insights and stay tuned for the launch of the cool yet-to-be-named caregiving app.
I’m wishing you all the best for a wonderful upcoming holiday season! (Hard to believe Halloween is only a month away!)