Caregiver and Patient Advocacy Awareness

1 Day 1 Week is dedicated to bringing awareness to caregiving and patient advocacy throughout the year. In addition, each November is an extra special time to recognize and celebrate. It is National Family Caregiver’s Month – which began with a presidential proclamation in 1997.

Because of the the month’s significance overall and to 1 Day 1 Week, as of November 2021 we launched a YouTube channel called Caregiving Insights. The goal of the podcast series is to raise awareness, celebrate, educate, support, spark conversation, and move the needle forward related to all aspects of caregiving and patient advocacy!

For links to caregiving and patient advocacy resources, please check out our resources page.

10 tips for family caregivers from Caregiver Action Network.

For an executive summary of the AARP Caregiving in the U.S. 2020 report, click here. The report shows that 1 in 5 Americans (21.3 percent) are caregivers. This represents 53 million adults, up from 43.5 million in 2015. Among caregivers, 24 percent are doing so for two or more individuals.

For an infographic with a quick snapshot of the Caregiving in the U.S. 2020 report, click here.